Our efforts
Celebrating 10 years of progress in Bartholomew County.
College prep conference
You know it's going to be a beautiful day when young people (and some parents) wake up at the crack of dawn to invest in their future. In August, Paths to Success hosted a road trip to Indianapolis to the Center for Leadership Development’s College Prep Conference & College Fair…
Lego robotics camp
Collaborating with Dr. Fuehne at Purdue Polytechnic and BCSC, 19 students, ages 9-14 were introduced, to their first STEM Camp, conducted at East High School…
HBCU college fair
Representatives from 44 Historical Black Colleges and Universities(HBCU) convened in Indianapolis at Crispus Attucks High School in late September...
African American fund scholarships
The AAFBC offers nine scholarships each year. Three at IUPUC and Ivy Tech and six Dr. Martin Luther King Community Award to institutions across the nation…
Racial justice and antiracism resources for Columbus Learning Center, IUPUC, Ivy Tech, Bartholomew County Public Library, Enrichment program BCSC
In August of 2020, the AAF provided a grant to purchase racial justice and anti-racism resources appropriately referenced for youth and adult learning...
The new scholarship
The AAF launched three scholarships in 2020: Martin Luther King Community Scholarship was a match to the AAPA award of $1000 to five students…
Enrichment program update
The Columbus Enrichment Program hosted 25 students in 2020. The move to tutoring via zoom, meant more materials were needed…
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